Laurea Magistrale in Fisica
2 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Oct 2024
EUR 156
Auf dem Campus
Curriculum: Specialist Curriculum
Compulsory Activity
- Classical Electrodynamics
- English Proficiency B2
- Informatics Ability
- Final Exam
- Mandatory Training Internship
- Data Structures and Algorithms of Physics of Data
- Electronics 1
- Electronics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics
- Health Physics
- Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications
- Optical Analysis for Cultural Heritages
- Accelerator Physics 1
- Dosimetry
- Electronics 2
- Elements of Superconductivity and Physics of High Field Magnets
- Modelling Applications for Environmental and Cultural Heritage Physics
- Radiobiology
Theory and Fundamentals of Physics
- Many Body Theory 1
- Many Body Theory 2
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Differential Equations 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 2
- Quantum Field Theory 2
- Statistical Mechanics 1
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 1
- Theory of Quantum Open Systems
- Gravity and Superstrings 1
- Quantum Field Theory 1
- Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 1
Microphysics and Structure of Matter Field
- Accelerator Physics Laboratory
- Applied Superconductivity Laboratory
- Astroparticle Physics
- Coherence and Control of Quantum System
- Electronic Structure
- Electroweak Interactions
- Interaction and Detection of Nuclear Radiation
- Machine Learning
- Magnetic Properties and Fine Analysis of Low-Dimensional Matter
- Optics Laboratory and Application
- Particle Physics
- Physics Protein 1
- Probability and Statistics
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Optics Laboratory
- Quantum Theory of Matter 2
- Semiconductor Physics
- Surface Physics 1
- Advanced Statistical Physics
- Laser Physics Laboratory 1
- Nanoscale Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Electronics
- Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Optics 1
- Particle Detectors
- Physics of Electronic Devices
- Physics of Solids 1
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
- Plasma Physics Laboratory 1
- Quantum Information Theory
- Radioactivity
Astrophysics, Geophysics and Space Science Field
- Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- General Astrophysics 1
- Introduction to Continuum Physics
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 1
- Physics of the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere
- Radio Astronomy 1
- Atmospheric Physics
- Cosmology 1
- Dynamics of Galaxies
- Extragalactic Astrophysics
- General Astrophysics 2
- Laboratory of Data Modelling
- Tectonophysics
Afini Integrative
- Advanced Gravitational Physics
- Algebraic Topology
- Atomic Physics
- Biophysics
- Cosmology 2
- Data Analytics, Forward and Inverse Modeling: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics
- Differential Geometry
- Digital Electronics
- Foundations of Energy Production
- History of Physics
- Instrumentation Applied to Medicine
- Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction to General Relativity
- Methods of Data Analysis
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 2
- Particle Physics Laboratory 1
- Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems
- Physics Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1
- Quantum Computing
- Simulation of Condensed Matter and Biosystems
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2
- Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization
- Computational Physics Laboratory
- Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory 2
- Deep Learning with Applications
- Dynamical Systems 1
- Earth Physics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics Laboratory
- Foundations in Electron Microscopy (EM) and Its Related Spectroscopies
- Foundations of Physics
- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Geometry 2
- Gravity and Superstrings 2
- Health Physics Laboratory
- Introduction to Health and Medical Physics
- Laboratory of Space Instrumentation (1)
- Liquid-State and Soft-Matter Physics
- Mathematical Analysis 4
- Nanoparticle Physics
- Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Photonics
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques: Physics Principles and Applications
- Numerical Simulation Laboratory
- Numerical Tecniques for Photorealistic Image Generation
- Particle Detectors Laboratory Instrumentation
- Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 2
- Quantum Walks
- Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
- Radio Astronomy 2
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 2
- Stochastic Processes
Curriculum: Multi-Sector Curriculum
Compulsory activity
- Classical Electrodynamics
- English Proficiency B2
- Informatics Ability
- Final Exam
- Electronics 1
- Electronics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics
- Health Physics
- Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications
- Optical Analysis for Cultural Heritages
- Accelerator Physics 1
- Dosimetry
- Electronics 2
- Elements of Superconductivity and Physics of High Field Magnets
- Modelling Applications for Environmental and Cultural Heritage Physics
- Radiobiology
- Theory and Fundamentals of Physics
- History of Physics
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 2
- Microphysics and Structure of Matter
- Accelerator Physics Laboratory
- Applied Superconductivity Laboratory
- Astroparticle Physics
- Coherence and Control of Quantum System
- Electronic Structure
- Electroweak Interactions
- Interaction and Detection of Nuclear Radiation
- Magnetic Properties and Fine Analysis of Low-Dimensional Matter
- Optics Laboratory and Application
- Particle Physics
- Physics Protein 1
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Optics Laboratory
- Quantum Theory of Matter 2
- Semiconductor Physics
- Surface Physics 1
- Advanced Statistical Physics
- Laser Physics Laboratory 1
- Nanoscale Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Electronics
- Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Optics 1
- Particle Detectors
- Physics of Electronic Devices
- Physics of Solids 1
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
- Plasma Physics Laboratory 1
- Quantum Information Theory
- Radioactivity
Astrophysics, Geophysics and Space Science
- Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- General Astrophysics 1
- Introduction to Continuum Physics
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 1
- Physics of the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere
- Radio Astronomy 1
- Atmospheric Physics
- Cosmology 1
- Dynamics of Galaxies
- Extragalactic Astrophysics
- General Astrophysics 2
- Tectonophysics
- Advanced Gravitational Physics
- Algebraic Topology
- Atomic Physics
- Biophysics
- Cosmology 2
- Data Analytics, Forward and Inverse Modeling: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics
- Data Structures and Algorithms of Physics of Data
- Differential Geometry
- Digital Electronics
- Foundations of Energy Production
- Instrumentation Applied to Medicine
- Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction to General Relativity
- Machine Learning
- Many Body Theory 1
- Many Body Theory 2
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Differential Equations 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 2
- Methods of Data Analysis
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 2
- Particle Physics Laboratory 1
- Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems
- Physics Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
- Probability and Statistics
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Field Theory 2
- Simulation of Condensed Matter and Biosystems
- Statistical Mechanics 1
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 1
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2
- Theory of Quantum Open Systems
- Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization
- Computational Physics Laboratory
- Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory 2
- Deep Learning with Applications
- Dynamical Systems 1
- Earth Physics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics Laboratory
- Foundations in Electron Microscopy (EM) and Its Related Spectroscopies
- Foundations of Physics
- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Geometry 2
- Gravity and Superstrings 1
- Gravity and Superstrings 2
- Health Physics Laboratory
- Introduction to Health and Medical Physics
- Laboratory of Data Modelling
- Laboratory of Space Instrumentation (1)
- Liquid-State and Soft-Matter Physics
- Mathematical Analysis 4
- Nanoparticle Physics
- Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Photonics
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques: Physics Principles and Applications
- Numerical Simulation Laboratory
- Numerical Tecniques for Photorealistic Image Generation
- Particle Detectors Laboratory Instrumentation
- Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- Quantum Field Theory 1
- Quantum Walks
- Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
- Radio Astronomy 2
- Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 2
- Stochastic Processes
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 1
Im Einzelnen verfolgt das Programm folgende Ziele:
- Vermittlung einer soliden Wissensbasis im experimentell-angewandten Bereich, der Theorie und Grundlagen der Physik, der Mikrophysik, der Struktur der Materie, der Astrophysik/Geophysik/Weltraumforschung
- Bereiten Sie Absolventen vor, die flexibel sind und eine ausgeprägte Begabung zur Problemlösung haben
- Bereiten Sie Absolventen vor, die in der Lage sind, Naturphänomene streng wissenschaftlich, mit einem mathematischen und statistischen Ansatz zu beschreiben sowie mit einem hohen Maß an Autonomie zu arbeiten und Verantwortung für Projekte zu übernehmen, auch in leitender und leitender Funktion.
- Bereitstellung von Tools für wissenschaftliche Kommunikation und Verbreitung auf hohem Niveau
- Absolventen mit fundierten Kenntnissen der Inhalte und Methoden der Lehre auszustatten
Studiengebühren für das Programm
Absolventen üben ihren Beruf typischerweise in der Industrie sowie in öffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen in folgenden Strukturen aus:
- Forschungszentren und Labore
- Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen, die Techniken zur Diagnostik, Therapie und zum Strahlenschutz einsetzen
- Astronomische Observatorien
- Museen und andere Zentren, die sich der wissenschaftlichen Verbreitung widmen
- Banken und Versicherungen
- Strukturen, die sich der Entwicklung mathematisch-statistischer Modelle von Phänomenen widmen
- Strukturen, die sich der Nutzung und Entwicklung komplexer Systeme und Instrumente widmen
- Strukturen, die sich mit der Restaurierung von Kunstgütern und dem Schutz von Umweltgütern befassen
- Kraftwerke (einschließlich z. B. Kernkraftwerke)
- Strukturen zur Datenerfassung und -verarbeitung
Absolventinnen und Absolventen, die über eine ausreichende Anzahl an Credits in entsprechenden Branchengruppen verfügen, können entsprechend den geltenden Rechtsvorschriften an den Zulassungsprüfungen für Lehramtsstudiengänge im Sekundarbereich teilnehmen.
Absolventen, die an Möglichkeiten interessiert sind, die eine weitere Ausbildung erfordern, werden ihr Studium in Forschungsdoktoraten oder Spezialisierungsschulen fortsetzen.