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Lund University MSc in Service Management, Supply Chain Management
Lund University

MSc in Service Management, Supply Chain Management

Helsingborg, Schweden

2 Years



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Programme overview

The Master’s Programme in Service Management is a unique opportunity for those seeking a management programme at an advanced level with a strong link to research. The programme combines in-depth subject knowledge of the services sectors with an understanding of the specific organisational and managerial needs of service activities. When applying to the Master’s Programme in Service Management, you choose one of five specialisations: Culture and Creativity Management, Retail, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management or Tourism. We have a mix of students from all around the world.

Features of the programme:

The rapid development in supply chain management, including global challenges and new ways of organising supply chains and conducting business, require more qualified staff. You will study and analyse phenomena and situations such as service management in supply chain management contexts, transports and logistics management, organisational theory, the theory of science as well as qualitative and quantitative methods.



Über die Schule


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